State of Maryland

Maryland State House Old Senate Chamber Restoration

This restoration marked the first time in a century the Old Senate Chamber within the Maryland State House had undergone construction. Regarded as one of the most historic rooms in the nation’s history, it is where the Continental Congress met while Annapolis was the capital of the United States and where General George Washington came before the Continental Congress to resign his commission as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in an emotional ceremony. A bronze plaque on the floor marks the exact spot where he stood while delivering his farewell speech.

Christman’s role on this project included working with leading preservation architect Mesick, Cohen, Wilson, Baker Architects of Albany to restore the space to exacting period standards. Upon completion of the restoration, the chamber appeared as it did when the Congress met in the room. This highly detailed restoration recreated the space to align with the exact and precise construction methods of the 1760s. These methods include horse hair plaster, hand-cut nails, hand-planed millwork, and period woven fabrics.

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Location: DC Metro

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Industry: Historic Preservation; Public / Government

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Delivery Method:
Construction Manager

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Architect: Mesick Cohen Wilson Baker Architects