The Ladder is a nonprofit organization located in Fort Worth, Texas that provides survivors of domestic violence and low-income women with tools to regain their independence and lead self-sufficient, successful lives.

In 2024, Ladder gave their Success Store a total refresh. The store is where graduates from their program can shop for professional attire for job interviews or their career.  The store refresh was a team effort between Christman Facility Solutions, Cannon Design and The Container Store.

Kathryn Thalken, Executive Director of The Ladder, emphasized the importance of the store for the women they serve: “This is a crucial need for our students and partner agency clients. When someone is in a rush to leave a dangerous situation in their home, they don’t think to grab a blazer or dress shoes. They are just trying to get to a safe place.”

Cannon Design provided architectural and construction planning, Christman Facility Solutions provided construction time and labor, and the Container Store provided organizational products.

The result was an overhaul of the Success store into a boutique setting environment to provide a more welcoming and organized store for the ladies of The Ladder program.