Frankfort Public Schools Trade Contractor Portal

Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the Trade Contractor Portal, a website provided by The Christman Company for the use of its subcontractors. The Trade Contractor Portal will be hereinafter referred to as the "Website". By accessing the Website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Unauthorized use of the Website, including but not limited to unauthorized entry into The Christman Company's systems, misuse of passwords, or misuse of any information available on The Christman Company's websites, is strictly prohibited.

Authorized uses of the Website are:

  1. Accessing information about your or your employer's current and recent contracts with The Christman Company, 
  2. Submitting information about your or your employer's current contracts with The Christman Company, including, but not limited to, subcontract compliance information such as liability insurance certificates, safety manuals, and other documentation, and 
  3. Preparing and submitting electronically signed documentation related to your or your employer's current contracts with The Christman Company, including, but not limited to, applications for payment, sworn statements, and lien waivers.

The authorized uses of the Website may be changed by The Christman Company at any time, without prior notice to you.

You will be issued unique credentials, including a password and a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Your password and PIN may not be shared with others. You agree to take all reasonable steps to limit access to your password and PIN, and to prevent their use by any person other than yourself. In the event that the privacy of your password and/or PIN becomes compromised, or you suspect the privacy of your password and/or PIN may have been compromised, you agree to notify The Christman Company as soon as possible.

If you are employed by a company that contracts with The Christman Company, your credentials will be associated with your employer's accounts with The Christman Company. In the event of termination of your employment, you agree to immediately cease accessing the Website, and to notify The Christman Company as soon as possible.

Any information submitted to the Website by a person accessing the Website using your credentials shall have at least the same force and effect as if you had hand delivered the same material in printed form to the offices of The Christman Company.

The Website can assist in the preparation and submission of certain electronically signed documentation, including applications for payment, sworn statements, and lien waivers. The Website will allow you to preview documents before signing. To electronically sign a document, you will have to acknowledge that you intend to electronically sign the document by entering your PIN and clicking a Submit button. After a document is electronically signed by you, the Website encrypts and digitally signs it in such a way that any subsequent modification to the document is easily detected. After electronically signing a document, you will be given the option to access the encrypted and digitally signed document for printing or downloading to your computer. Any documentation electronically signed by a person who accessed the system using your credentials and electronically signed with your PIN shall have at least the same force and effect as if you had physically signed the documentation in printed form and had your signature properly and legally notarized.

All information contained in the Website is owned by The Christman Company. The information may not be copied, transmitted, displayed, distributed, licensed, altered, stored for subsequent use or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner without The Christman Company's prior written consent, except in accordance with the authorized uses listed above, and also excepting that you may download or print information, and store downloaded or printed information, as may be required in the normal course of business in the performance of your or your employer's contracts with The Christman Company.

In the event of a discrepancy between the Website and the contract documents, the contract documents will take precedence.

You agree that you will not engage in any activities related to the Website that are contrary to applicable law, regulation, or the terms of any agreements or contracts you have with The Christman Company.

The Christman Company reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice to you. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be available at the Website, and you will be required to agree to the changed Terms and Conditions before using the Website.

The Christman Company reserves the right to discontinue the Website, in whole or in part, at any time, without prior notice to you.


Because of the possibility of human and mechanical error as well as other factors, the Website is provided "AS IS", "AS AVAILABLE". The Christman Company makes no warranties or representations regarding the website, including any implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights, freedom from viruses or other harmful computer code, or fitness for any particular purpose. The Christman Company does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of the information contained in the Website and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in the information. Further, The Christman Company will not be liable for any delay, difficulty in use, inaccuracy, inadequacy, or omission of information, computer viruses or other harmful computer code, or other defect in the Website, or for any incompatibility between the Website and the web browser computer program you use to access the Website.

Under no circumstances will The Christman Company be liable for any lost profits, lost opportunity, or any indirect, consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary damages arising out of any use of or inability to use the Website or any portion thereof.

In the event any of the terms or provisions above shall be held to be unenforceable, the remaining terms and provisions shall be unimpaired and the unenforceable term or provision shall be replaced by such enforceable term or provision as comes closest to the intention of the underlying unenforceable term or provision.

Your access to the Website, and these terms and conditions, are governed by the laws of the State of Michigan.