When conceptualizing the next healthcare facility project, if someone told you a solution existed to maximize efficiency, increase safety and save on cost and schedule from the start, would it seem too good to be true?

The fact is prefabrication can impact each project area. Building prefabrication, also referred to as multi-trade prefabrication or modular prefabrication, is where standardized components of a building are produced offsite. The following are some key advantages.

A – Affordability
Prefabrication provides savings opportunities throughout a construction project’s lifecycle. The intelligent building solution increases safety and quality, reduces cost of labor and positively impacts speed to market.

From a planning perspective, with the challenge of lowering capital costs, we need to fundamentally change how we deliver projects. Multi-trade prefabrication and modularization present a path to change our industry. Owners can expect a shorter construction schedule, which means patients can be seen sooner and regular operations can resume earlier.

Prefabrication also addresses the impact of labor shortages across the construction industry. Weather- and temperature-controlled working environments improve quality and safety, attract more engaged laborers and reduce insurance costs.

B – Buy-in
Assembling a project team that embodies a culture of innovation is key to the prefabrication process. For the McLaren Greater Lansing Replacement Hospital project, a $256 million ground-up facility, the emphasis from the start was a laser focus on constructing the most efficient project possible.

“Everyone was ready to try something new,” said Adam Duncan, a project manager on the facility. “The yeses outweighed the noes, and we had the right team come together to make this project a success. The utilization of prefabrication on a project of this scale was one of the first in Michigan, but it certainly will not be the last. It’s just a matter of time and adoption.”

C – Collaboration
This type of modular construction is well-suited for a design/build project where multiple disciplines have equal say in the decision-making process. When the entire team is involved prior to the construction document (CD) stage, prefabrication can be planned and executed to improve overall functionality of buildings.

On the McLaren project, collaboration among the owner, owner’s representative, joint venture construction partners, architect and major MEP subcontractors led to the creation of a master prefabrication execution plan.

This living document keeps the project teams on track and allows process documentation. So far, projections of final outcomes influenced by the collaborative prefabrication process are resoundingly positive. For example, more than 2.5 months have been saved on the schedule, and the overall project cost has been reduced by more than $7 million.