National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

DAR Library Lay Light Restoration

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Library is housed in Memorial Continental Hall, the oldest of the three buildings comprising the National Historic Landmark DAR headquarters in Washington, D.C. The library boasts a stunning interior lay light at ceiling level, which provides natural illumination to the expansive space.

The century-old lay light and the above skylight required immediate attention to address deterioration and ensure continued functionality. Maintenance of the historic glass and surrounding elements was restricted due to limited accessibility and, combined with the advanced age of the system, posed significant challenges to its preservation. Working together with the DAR and project team, Christman developed a comprehensive plan to repair and restore the lay light panels, replace the existing skylight hatch, install new skylight attic walkways for improved access, repair the cupola to eliminate leaks and increase ventilation, correct previous support wire placement, and install a new winch system for lowering the four historic chandeliers that illuminate the library’s research area.

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Location: DC Metro

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Industry: Historic Preservation; Religious / Cultural

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Delivery Method:
Construction Manager

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Architect: Quinn Evans Architects