Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency
The new Grand Rapids Veterans Home features a small house concept that houses 128 residents in a modern, home-like setting and provides state-of-the-art care. Each occupant has their own bedroom and bathroom, with access to common gathering and kitchen spaces. Four neighborhoods connect to a main community center with clinics and therapeutic services. Other amenities include larger spaces for community meetings, courtyards and green spaces, and a barber shop and hair salon.
All buildings are connected via heated and air conditioned corridors, allowing members to move through the neighborhood buildings and community center while staying indoors. Every day, the extensive professional staff focuses on long-term and short-term care, rehab and therapy, dementia and memory care and palliative care. An in-house pharmacy, pastoral care and specialty clinics, such as dental and vision care, are also available.
Location: West Michigan
Market: Residential
Delivery Method: Construction Manager
Architect: TowerPinkster