Shelby Public Schools

Shelby Public Schools 2021 Bond

Made possible by the community’s support of a 2021 bond proposal, Shelby Public Schools is focusing on four key areas of improvement, including construction of a new elementary school for kindergarten through fifth grades, transition of former elementary schools into an early childhood center and community resources, and renovations to both the middle school and high school.

While the district’s buildings had undergone some improvements over the years, none of the schools had seen significant upgrades in more than 20 years since the previous bond projects were completed. Together with Christman and GMB Architecture + Engineering, Shelby Public Schools completed facilities assessments to identify specific systems that had exceeded their expected life cycles including roofing and flooring. The bond allows for replacement of these identified systems.

Additional project scope includes new classroom furniture and educational equipment, age-appropriate play areas, secure entries in all buildings, parking lot improvements, media center renovations, auditorium upgrades to lighting, sound and seating, and track surface replacement.

Location Icon

Location: West Michigan

Industry Icon

Industry: K-12

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Delivery Method:
Construction Manager

Architect Icon

Architect: GMB Architecture + Engineering