City of Knoxville

State Street Parking Garage

The State Street Parking Garage was originally constructed by Christman (then Rentenbach) in 1979. After a successful project, the City of Knoxville sought out the project team again in 2013 to complete an addition and infrastructure upgrades.

The State Street Parking Garage was initially a 3-level, slab-on-grade structure providing 842 parking spaces and 43,000 s.f. of retail space. This addition added 260,000 s.f. and 240 parking spaces. Additionally, structural modifications to meet seismic and life safety codes were addressed. Construction also included an elevated, covered walkway from the third level spanning State Street and traversing to the north sidewalk at Gay Street.

Location Icon

Location: Tennessee

Industry Icon

Industry: Parking; Public / Government

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Delivery Method:
Construction Manager

Architect Icon

Architect: McCarty Holsaple McCarty